Current News

Oct 2024: Starting work on the next project. A documentary on the making of the book, "All for You: A World War II Family Memoir of Love, Separation, and Loss"
by Dena Rueb Romero. ​This is an important book with stunning new information on what rules were being enforced in Germany in 1938, making it impossible to make a living or leave the country. An absolutely stunning and moving book that I highly recommend. We must not let anything like this happen again, and we must heed the warning signs. My project was accepted into Fractured Atlas' Fiscal Sponsorship program. So when you donate, it's tax deductible! 

March 2024: I was so honored to have the short film I was in, "How To Ride A Train" be again in the Through Women's Eyes film festival in Sarasota, Florida as one of their, "Best Of..." the past 25 years. It was the final film of the opening night celebration. They are one of my favorite film festivals. So inspiring, so unique, so well run, and the films are so good. I really encourage all female filmmakers (or female centered films) to submit to them on Film Freeway. 

Jan 2024:-I'm very excited that I got to work with Theater Breaking Through Barriers again. An incredible company, so please check them out. Jan was the Hybrid Playmakers' Intensive. A bunch of 10 minute plays, all written in 2 weeks around the actors drawn from a hat. Each play on zoom has a talkback after. They were also on TBTB's youtube channel. 
  *I directed the radio play, "Telegraph Wire and the Fable of the Flagman".
  *I was in "All I Want". Very cute play by Estrella Tamez. 
  *I directed "3 Dots" which was performed in person with 5 others and livestreamed. "3 Dots" was the 2nd play. 
 Please check out . It's an inspiring company. 

-Previously, I directed a play written for zoom for TBTB called, "Farthest Reach" which is awesome, and still available on their facebook page  23 min with a Q and A after. 2 different performances. 

-The companion cookbook and a book of the Extended Interviews to my documentary feature, "Fighting For Allergy Free Food" is available on and everywhere books and ebooks are sold. Available as an ebook or print-on-demand. My book, "How To Run Auditions" is still available everywhere (ebook and paperback)and highly recommended for new filmmakers. 

-My latest article written for Student Filmmakers Mag, "Speed Filmmaking Do's and Don'ts" 

-I have written many articles for Student Filmmakers Magazine. Just search my name. Articles for first-time documentary directors, color/gender/age-blind casting, Actor pet-peeves, How to Direct and Communicate with Actors and Set, and more. 

-My friend, Sean Harris and I went on Pictionary as a team and...well you have to watch what happened. ​


​-See to see all the updates! Currently available to watch/rent/buy on Indie Rights' Youtube channel (FREE),  GooglePlay and Youtube. Rent/buy, Tubi TV (free!), Roku Channel, and Amazon Prime. Please share and review! Thank you Indie Rights Movies

-New interview on Joe Dungan's show on youtube! Great fun. 45 min. OUTTAKES

 I'm happy to book work on BOTH coasts now in advance. Going back and forth really frequently! I'm everywhere...just call. 

email me
917-887-2797 cell
This page was last updated: March 8, 2025
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