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Captain Purple was founded by Tamar Kummel, who is a director/writer/coach/actress living in both New York City and Los Angeles. We strive to make smart films. Entertaining films. Funny films. Films without violence or 1 dimensional women's characters. Showing a rainbow of shapes, sizes and ages...just like life. 

More on Tamar Kummel

-Starting work on the next project. A documentary on the making of the book, "All for You: A World War II Family Memoir of Love, Separation, and Loss"
 by Dena Rueb Romero. ​An absolutely stunning and moving book that I highly recommend! This is an important book with stunning new information on what rules were being enforced in Germany in 1938, making it impossible to make a living or leave the country. An absolutely stunning and moving book that I highly recommend. We must not let anything like this happen again, and we must heed the warning signs. My project was accepted into Fractured Atlas' Fiscal Sponsorship program. So when you donate, it's tax deductible! 
-Fighting For Allergy-Free Food is available for rent or purchase online! Indie Rights youtube channel (FREE),  YOUTUBE or GOOGLE PLAY,  TUBI TV (FREE), Roku Channel, or AMAZON PRIME. Please watch, rent/buy, share and review! Streaming distribution courtesy of Indie Rights

-My documentary on food allergies and sensitivity is completed! "Fighting For Allergy Free Food" Also completed the companion books: The Extended Transcripts and the cookbook. Buy both on now. 

Still available in ebook or paperback is my book, "How To Run Auditions" for new filmmakers. Available everywhere. 

-The short film, "Care BnB" was a joint effort between Captain Purple Productions and DC Dogs. We shot over the first weekend in Aug, 2019 for the LA 48 Hour Film Challenge. Comedy. Tamar wrote, directed, co-produced and catered!

-FFAFF was chosen for the Hot Springs International Women's Film Festival in Hot Springs, AR screening March 30, 2019.

-"Thank You Lisa" was chosen for Salute Your Shorts Festival in Los Angeles Aug 25-27th. We will not be in attendance, because it's also screening in Trondheim, Norway on Aug 31st and were there! 

-Currently submitting the short film, "Thank You Lisa" to festivals. So far we've been chosen for the Court Metrage Cannes Short Film Corner (May 2016). Also for Amsterdam Lift Off Online Festival 2016 and Connect Film Festival 2016. "TYL" was nominated for 6 awards! The Bechdel Award, Best Film, Best Actress, Best Ensemble, Best Writing, Social Impact Award and we won The Bechdel Award and Best Actress! Also won Best Film at the Stuff Festival in Norway. 

-I am done traveling all over filming for my documentary on food allergies and sensitivities. Learning so much! This is a giant undertaking and happy to accept help from all areas!​ Now in post production and looking for an editor! 

-The short, "Thank You Lisa" was chosen for the Short Film Corner at the Court Metrage at the Cannes Film Festival 2016. Marthe Einseth (producer, writer, actor) and I attended. I am in the film, and am a producer. 

-the film, "Georgio Bush and the B People" which Tamar is a lead actress and associate production had a screening on 9/24 in NYC. 

-I was on the radio, Wide Open with Erin Muir on 3/9 talking about the documentary. 

-"Use Me Up" was selected for the Winter Film Awards in NY, NY 2/15. 

-2 films, "Use Me Up" and, "Garden Party" were both chosen for the California Women's Film Festival! 1/15

-10/14 "Use Me Up" was selected for the Glendale International Film Festival in CA, 

-9/14 Tamar attended the Gluten and Food Allergen Expo in Secaucus, NJ and interviewed Dr. Stephen Wangen and Vanessa Breisbrod for the documentary. 

-7/14  Tamar interviewed Dr. Alessio Fasano for the documentary. 

-6/14 was interviewed on Karina Yanku's radio show, "The Healing Artist" about food allergies, etc. If you missed it, you can hear it HERE

-6/14 documentary: Quick trip to Washington, DC and Ashburn, VA to interview Farmer Mike Snow at Willowsford Farm, Patty Lovera at Food And Water Watch, and Rob Moutoux at Moutoux Orchards. Thank you! 

-5/14 documentary: I interviewed the amazing Dr. Aristo Vodjani from in Los Angeles. 

-5/14 for the documentary, I shot 6 interviews, several lectures and demonstrations, and a lot of great footage at Living Without's Gluten Free and Food Allergy Fest in San Deigo, CA. Amazing and inspiring speakers and people. Had the BEST time and so grateful. 

-4/14, Use Me Up was chosen for the Festival of Pelagia showcasing actor generated films. The screening was at the historic Crest Theater in Westwood, CA. 

-3/14 We did fundraising on Indiegogo for a documentary on food allergies and intolerance. Please see the amazing 1 minute interview with my mom. 

-both, "Use Me Up" and, "Garden Party" were selected for the California International Shorts Festival in Los Angeles 3/22/14. 

-1/14 "Apt. 2B" was chosen for the Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood, and won another Award of Merit. 

-1/14 "Honeybear" was chosen for the Flagler Film Festival in Florida. 

-12/13 "Use Me Up" was chosen for the Best Shorts Competition in the Women's category, and won an award of Merit. 

-12/13 "Apt 2B" was chosen for the Women's Independent Film Festival in Santa Monica, CA and was chosen for a Merit Award!

-Aug 2013. Team Captain Purple LA made another short film for the festival. "Garden Party", crime comedy 5 1/2 min. 

July 2013
-"Use Me Up", short film shot in April 2012 in LA is complete! Now submitting to festivals. I am in, wrote, and co-produced it. 

June 2013
​ -Team Captain Purple shot their first film in New York for the 48 Hour Film Project NY. We are super proud of, "Apt. 2B" with a wonderful cast and crew. 7 min, suspense. 

-"Use Me Up" had a soft premiere at the Hollywood Fringe Festival as part of the slate of, "We Make Movies". Narrowing down on post production. 

Oct 2012: 
Another National Film Challenge completed for Team Captain Purple! "Pushing Buttons", 5 1/2 min, comedy. (see poster below)

April 2012:
CPP shot, "Use Me Up", a short film about a non-tradional relationship, shot in a non-traditional way! 
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Jan 2012: Wrapped principal photography on, "Living In A B World" in NYC. Find us on Facebook and Twitter for updates. IMDB. 

Oct 2011:
CPP shot our first film, "Honeybear", for the 72 hour National Film Challenge. A short film  about the misadventures of a couple's fantasy experiment. (see poster below)

New York and Los Angeles locations
917-887-2797 cell